I recently reviewed the Logitech K830 Keyboard, and to my delight, I still had another product to play with. I was also sent the Zone Touch Mouse T400. I looked at this online and questioned whether I liked the design of the product, but when it arrived it looked sleek and attractive. It was also lovely to be sent one in a beautiful...
Firstly, congratulations on becoming so petite over summer, you look great. However, all that running, walking and working was completely pointless, give it a few months time and you'll have put on a stone, have eaten more pizza, more cheese and pasta, and consumed more alcoholic beverages than you can keep count of. Whilst each mouthful will be seriously delicious, especially those huge...
Not too long ago I was asked over twitter and by one of my work friends whether it was worth getting a job in first year, and having only worked during my holidays back home I decided to try and get opinions from other students and graduates who worked throughout their uni years to form a post from experiences that will hopefully help...
My next lovely fresher is a friend of Mike's (whose interview you can read about here) named Kam, who began talking to me after I started posting my advice for freshers on our university freshers page. Now he's finished his first year studying Philosophy and Computing, (with a course change to Philosophy and Criminology for his second year), at Keele, he, like most,...

Whilst we were in Tunisia we couldn't turn down the chance to explore the place in an old fashioned way, so we decided to pay £15 each - which is a bargain really - for a few hours out and about on a camel in traditional caravan formation. We started the day off early, heading on a bus to pick up other people...