Keeping Your Mind at Ease - MissIsGoode

Keeping Your Mind at Ease

By Unknown - 20:26

Once again third year has been a bull in a china shop, though instead of smashing china it's smashing my will to live. However, with all these essays and the nights out to compensate for the headaches, there's nothing I need more than a bit of tech protection! 

Other than the odd misplaced phone (one was found buried in the snow and alas, the other poor thing is still lost in the abyss of Keele) I've been relatively lucky with tech in my time. That doesn't mean I'm all that good at looking after it, from smashed up phones to a broken fan and charger port, my tech can't be protected from my drunken antics, however I can protect it in other ways! So, just to remind you students how important is to treat your tech like a child who's been put under your watchful eye, I'm offering you up some tips and reminders of how to keep some of your bits safe!

Have you backed it up?
When I started university I rarely backed up my work, but as time went on I began to hear and witness the turmoil when someone's work disappeared or their laptop went bust. It's a disastrous thing to happen when it comes to writing essays, and there's nothing worse than witnessing your screen go blank and realising your thousands of words have disappeared with it. That's why it's so important to back up your work as you go! It's a demoralising situation if you lose all your hard work, more so if the deadline is looming. As a third year now, with a dissertation on the horizon I couldn't possibly imagine not having something to back my work up. After losing yet another USB I've received this slightly harder to lose Samsung M3 slimline hard drive* that has a wonderful 1TB of memory, in which I'll likely never fill! But it's good to know I have lots of space to save my work! 

Life insurance for your tech
When it comes to student life there's no end of possibilities when it comes to what can happen to your poor phone or laptop. From smashed up screens, to dropping your phone in the toilet or theft in a club, you can never keep it completely safe unless you don't let it leave the box. However, the best way to protect everything and allow yourself to leave the house with your tech is to insure it! Covering your stuff using a provider such as Insurance2Go ensures that if worst comes to worst, you've got someone there to save you from your techy woes. 

Are you using protection?
There are many forms of protection when it comes to tech, from things like camera bags, screen protectors and phone covers. Always consider your tech when you're out and about; my worst experience was when my boyfriend at the times phone got stolen from right under our noses in Krispy Kreme! It was a horrible and relatively stupid experience, had I not been indulging in a doughnut perhaps I would have reacted faster, but it taught me not to leave my gadgets lying around. Always keep your tech protected from virus' too, and all the other nasty stuff out there! Use your noggin and treat your tech with a bit of love and care!

How do you keep your tech protected?

Disclaimer: I was compensated with the hard drive by Insurance2Go in return for this post.  

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  1. Such a fab post! Reminded me to back my work up, my Dad bought me a lil hardrive thing and I still haven't used it! :/ I really should! I've also now smashed my phone screen twice which isn't great :/ xo

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