I was kindly sent a copy of The Lazy Student's Revision Guide by David Chapman to have a read over and check out the useful tips for exam revision. I myself am a lazy student, so I can definitely relate! Whilst some people have already celebrated the end of exams and deadlines and booked their summer holidays, others are still shut away in the...
My exams may be all finished, and I know that those at Keele are almost all done too, but there's plenty of students, both at university and college, that are still slaving over textbooks and computers, getting little sleep and consuming too much caffeine. We feel tired, we feel drained, we yawn and grab another coffee, but do we ever give a second...
Three years really isn't a long time. When you get your university acceptance through, most people can't imagine how they could make it through three years of independent living, student life, deadlines and dissertations. But here the class of 2012-15 are, finishing up our degrees. Not everyone's quite finished yet, but I am. And so many people who finished before me said a...
If I've learnt anything during university it's that people - as expected - don't f*ck around when it comes to food. I've been on both sides of food thievery and I will hold my hands up to my crime and trust me, it felt like I did the time...so here - and don't judge me now (okay judge me) - is the story...
I spoke about the interviews I did last summer before my dissertation and third year in general completely swept my attention and time away. They're still a few patiently waiting to be read in my drafts, and it's time I got sharing these wonderful contributions. I really do apologise to those who took the time to write these posts for me, I'm very...