My October - MissIsGoode

My October

By Unknown - 18:00

I've tried various monthly features in the past that I've not managed to keep on top of, so I thought I'd start a new one that keeps things simple. Rather than rounding up all my instagram posts that many of you will have seen and (hopefully) liked on Instagram already, I thought I'd share the most important parts of my past month. 

So October marked my fifth month of living in Nottingham and my fourth month at work. 

At work I passed my probation - which I was well on track to pass from week one (not to toot my own horn or anything, but I've settled in pretty well). Whilst where I currently work isn't what I expected to be doing straight out of university, the money is rolling in and my experience of the working world is gathering up nicely.

Talking of tooting horns, I passed my driving test first time! I started learning to drive probably back in July - it feels so long ago now I can barely remember! I booked a test in advance in early September with the plan of moving it later down the line, but when I came to check for a later booking the earliest was December. I wasn't prepared for my test but by no means was I going to hold off for THAT long! I thought, why not? If I did fail at least I'd know what to expect from the test. And by some miracle, I passed! Chuffed doesn't cover it. 

I also had a couple of chances to revisit university this month too. Initially we'd all planned a meet up in Freshers' week to toast to the memories but of course, our new adult lives got in the way. Instead I chose to use a weekday off to return to Keele for a K2 Monday. We also decided to spend Halloween revisiting our university years and I do wish we hadn't in some ways.

I think revisiting university has made me feel pleased that I left when I did. Things change so rapidly there and as a graduate you're viewed differently. The bars are filled with unfamiliar faces and if you lose the few you do know, people seem to sense you are no longer one of them. And there's also a sense of superiority that you cannot help but have when you walk in the Student's Union. You know you've been there and done it all so you recognise how immature people are and whilst I've certainly had my fair share of messy nights I'm now happy they are behind me. 

Lastly, one of our pet fish died - see how thrilling graduate life is? We don't know what caused his/her death but it sent another of the fish into a deep depression and it was a bit touch and go of whether the other was going to pull through. Thankfully all the surviving fish are thriving and happy in their home now, but RIP to our little fishy. 

Otherwise, October was a simple month of saving the pennies and working 9-5 as usual!

How was your October?

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  1. Congrats on passing your test in so little time! Took me ages! Life is so much better when you can drive, trust me :) xxx

    Sam // Samantha Betteridge

    1. Thank you! I think it was pure luck really haha! All I need now is to get a car which is definitely a financial hurdle...! :) xxx

  2. Incidentally I had my graduation ceremony this October! I technically finished uni in May but I had to go back for the ceremony so this post definitely resonated with me - especially the bit about seeing unfamiliar faces in the bars! I definitely got pangs of sadness driving past my old student house knowing that others were living there<3

    Congrats on passing your probation & driving test though!

    Sinéad ♥ fabuleuse, toujours ♥

    1. Congratulations! It's weird going back isn't it? I really felt like I didn't belong! I know I feel the same, I drive past my old house every time I go to see my friend who's still at university and lives just down the road from where we used to live and it makes me so sad :(

      Thank you! x


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