Woah, this year needs to slow down. I always find my birthday absolutely flies by, and evidently 2016 has been no different.
This month has been a bit of a quiet one again if I'm honest. I didn't go for any mad nights out to celebrate my birthday, I haven't even had one too many drinks this year accept from New Year's Eve that obviously rolled into 2016 and of course, Sara's 22nd birthday in January (which pretty much ruined me for a few weeks anyway). It's strange how much life changes when you graduate - it's not that I don't have the time to go out and party, it's more that I don't want to spend my 2 days off in the week hungover. But then again, every few weeks I also get this strange urge to dance wildly and knock a few back - though I'm waiting until next weekend to do that with my friends to celebrate my birthday with them! So, I haven't completely grown up (and hopefully never will).
In terms of work, which I seem to always ever so briefly mention, I've taken on something completely new and a little challenging. I've gone from doing my daily job to training people how to do my daily job - which feels a little weird considering I've only been doing my job for 9 or so months. I'm happy with the progress I'm making in graduate life but my ambition is driving me to go that bit further, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed, my lips tightly sealed and my eyes pealed for future opportunities.
It was also a sad month at work with lots of the people I had become accumstomed to working with leaving the team - we've had too many personnel changes for my liking, and possibly more to come. I'm really happy for the people who have found great opporutnities, though they were people I had become close too, particular one. Sally, one of those leaving, and I decided to go for a meal at George's Great British Kitchen in Nottingham - which, by the way, was wonderful (and I will have a review up soon!) - to celebrate her getting a new job and to say a goodbye, but not for long.
We got to try some delicious food and even more delicious cocktails, which I'll share in my review post, but if you insist, here's a little peak at my super groovy candy floss cocktail!
Whilst Sally lives in Doncaster, we've committed to going out for a meal at least once a month, which is giving me a perfect opportunity to try out some amazing places around Nottingham, and so far, I'm liking what I've tried!

Before going away to Cornwall one of the girls from work also baked me a lovely cake and the team gave me a nice little collection and card. I was sad to be leaving for a trip down to Cornwall the same week so many people were having their last days in my department, but it was a nice little goodbye too.

After three years of my birthday falling in term time at university, I got the opportunity this year to spend my birthday back home with my family, which was lovely and very different to the birthdays' I've celebrated over the past three years. Mum, Dad and I went for an afternoon meal with my Auntie and Grandma at a local place in Porthleven called The Square. If I'm honest, it's not my favourite place to eat in Porthleven but I have to commend the waitresses on their patience. My aunt is a Vegan and my mum is wheat and dairy free - so we were a bit of a tough table to serve. If I'm honest, they made a few mistakes and the place we usually visit in Porthleven called Sea Drift does their utmost to ensure my aunt and mum have options on the menu, The Square wasn't quite as accommodating and we could see the chef from a window through to the kitchen getting frustrated when we had to send food back, twice, because they'd put cheese on meals for two dairy free people - but whilst the chef was getting frustrated, the waitresses were so lovely and they always end up getting the stick for mistakes, but we were very grateful for how helpful they were.
Moving on! We followed our meal with a quick drive over to my sister's house to have a mini buffet with the rest of the family (minus my brother) - despite the fact I was still stuffed from my lunch, I still tucked in to plenty of food and, of course, a piece of cake.
The cake was made by my lovely sister and was delicious! After leaving my sister's house we went back to my parents and just chilled out for the evening. We chose to watch The Wolf of Wallstreet which is probably not the best choice of film to sit down and watch with your parents but never mind, I'm 22 and all mature now, things like that totally don't embarrass me (I'm kidding, Leo DiCaprio staring at Margot Robbie's vagina will never not be awkward to watch with your parents no matter your age).
Like I said, it was a very different birthday compared to the past three years spent celebrating birthday's at university. To begin with, I remembered everything. It was lovely to spend it with my family and have a quiet birthday. I'm still very much looking forward to going out for a few drinks with my university girls though!
Whilst down in Cornwall I also had my usual wonder around the village with my Mum every few days, when it wasn't raining anyway.

I absolutely love this photograph I took whilst out on one of our walks - it wasn't as dark as it looks it's just that my phone seemed to focus on the sunshine and turned the rest of the village into silhouettes - pretty awesome though!
On Good Friday we decided to go for a meal at my Grandma's house with my auntie and my niece and nephew. We had a lovely day doing an Easter egg hunt and also decided to go for a stroll along Long Rock beach with the children - it was a bit too windy so we made it a quick one but it was lovely weather still.
You can probably guess why it's called Long Rock (I'm joking, I've actually no idea what the reason is). St Michael's Mount is also making an appearance in the background. I hadn't been back to Long Rock in years but during my youth we spent quite a few days and nights on this here beach having a BBQ and a few drinks - simpler times.
All in all, I had a lovely time down in Cornwall and a pretty peaceful month of March. I don't currently have much planned for April, I quite enjoy just taking everyday as it comes.
Enjoy your month!
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