The Churchill Hotel - York - MissIsGoode

The Churchill Hotel - York

By Unknown - 19:34

Back in March Michael and I decided to pay York a visit. It's one of the places on my Day Zero Challenge and it's somewhere I've been looking to go for a good few years! 

Michael was in charge of picking the hotel and I have to say he selected a perfect place to stay, The Churchill. As we booked quite last minute we were a bit disappointed to find the only available room was one of the Twin Rooms. The rooms looked beautiful nonetheless, but we desperately wanted to stay in one of the Luxury Bedrooms which looked incredible. Initially I thought, lesson learned, we'd book further in advance next time...

...however, we were in absolute luck. When we checked into the hotel we were thanked for booking directly through their website rather than through a discount/price comparison site. It wasn't just a vocal 'thank you' though, and I assumed they must have had a cancellation because they upgraded us to a beautiful luxury room. The decor was perfect. It wasn't a huge room, but the high ceilings made it feel so open. I loved the four-poster bed and it was incredibly comfortable, it was a shame we were only staying for one night! The bath was a beautiful feature and it also had a en-suite which was equally as sleek as the rest of the room. 

I never initially intended to blog about this stunning place because at the time I wasn't writing much, so unfortunately the photos I took just do not do the place justice. 

I'd never think to have a bath in my bedroom but I have to say, it was incredibly convenient!  
The decor was beautiful in the whole hotel. The Hotel didn't feel large but we kept noticing doors to more rooms that were nicely tucked away, kind of the Mary Poppins handbag of hotels. The reception and dining areas were old fashioned, which I loved, and very much a celebration of Winston Churchill himself, as expected! 
I've said it already, but the decor really was beautiful. I loved these lights that were in the main dining room and the reception area. 
I didn't manage to snap photos of the rest of my meal due to the lighting in the dining room, but I did get a picture of our appetiser, smoked salmon and caviar. I'd never tried caviar before and I don't think I'll be diving into any again soon, but it was certainly nice to try! 
During our stay we also took the time to wonder around York. We didn't do all the typically tourist activities we'd been advised to do as we were only there for one night, so instead we just decided to take in the sites at a quick pace...which again I didn't take many photographs of! (I'm useless at this blogger stuff aren't I?)

The weather wasn't great whilst we stayed in York so I'm certainly keen to return when it's brighter and we can spend more time exploring the city. And I'd 100% stay at The Churchill Hotel again. The food was delicious, the staff were incredibly friendly and despite being so close to the City centre, it was so nice and peaceful. It was a shame we only had one night to enjoy the place, but it was certainly one very relaxing evening! 

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  1. This is such a beautiful looking hotel I'd love a bit of that! So cool they upgraded you too. Not many people including myself book straight through these days.
    I love your blog right now issy it looks fab you should consider sticking more to the travel side too you have lovely pgotos on your posts xxxxx

    1. It was so lovely, I'd definitely recommend it if you ever find yourself in York (which I don't predict happening, but now you have a man with a car, just maybe ;))! It was pure luck we did so, but I'll definitely check it out in future!
      Thank you - I've still not been putting much effort into it, but fingers crossed my mojo comes and stays this time!

  2. Oh my that bath!!


    1. It was unusual having one in the room, but it was an absolutely stunning bath!



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