It's been a long time since I've posted and I apologise, but it's been quite blissfully dull these past few weeks of 2013!
After antics at the union yesterday evening, and with the sun finally shining on Keele, my boyfriend and I decided to take a stroll around Keele woods - despite my adoration for the country side and how peaceful it is, I hadn't yet explored the woods and the abundance of land Keele boasts about, and I'm very glad to have done so now.
This is one of the many tunnels that are hidden beneath Keele, apparently all the passages are locked, so no underground adventures can really be had to my dismay!

Lately I appear to follow my boyfriend around on his photography ventures. Recently he was asked to photograph a lovely bar/restaurant called Missoula in Newcastle UL, with the payment being a £40 food and drink voucher for the both of us. I was more than happy to assist him on this one! Even without the voucher the restaurant is affordable and the food is brilliant - I'd highly recommend a visit if in the area!
On Monday I'm off to be his model once more along with 16 others - so far - for his latest project, which I'll spare more details on on Monday!
Now we're at the end of week 6, in semester two, the short papers are rolling in. I have two due in next Thursday - close readings on The Age of Innocence and The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket - and a presentation on Edgar Allen Poe's 'Shooting An Elephant' to do on Tuesday, so it's all work and no play in the week to follow, but tomorrow, Matt and I are taking a trip to Manchester, simply for one thing: to lose my Nando's virginity (the amount of people who gasp at the fact I've never been to Nando's is actually getting ridiculous now).
I'll also be adding something new to my blog in the next few days, student recipes! So, watch out for some affordable, easy recipes to help you survive as a student!
I always appreciate and love reading comments from you lovely lot, so comment away and don't forget to leave your links too! ♥