Now I'm no beauty blogger but when given the chance to attend a local event at Kiehl's in Nottingham, I didn't want to say no simply because I'm no skincare speciliast or because it's not in my blogging niche. Whilst not something I blog about, I do like to keep a skincare routine these days, but if I'm being honest in previous years I didn't use anything apart from make up wipes on a daily basis.

Despite the fact I was surrounded by people who I could tell knew a little or a lot about caring for your skin or beauty in general, I didn't feel remotely out of place and everything that was said about Kiehl's as a brand really interested me.
I've never been much of a believer in skincare products either. That might sound ridiculous but all the adverts you see are photo-shopped images, then there's all the people they claim to have tested their products on only to print in small that it was a sample group of 44 - I just can't see how a TV advert or a small sample size can prove that a product is right for me. Because I never believed a cream could do much, I never bought into it. I started trying a well known high street brand's skincare products through many recommendations and haven't really noticed a whole lot of difference (but I know you won't instantly), but Kiehl's seems somehow different.
No it's not simply because of the fact that whilst a different spelling the brand has a similar name to my beloved university, Keele, but simply because of everything Hannah and Saff who hosted the event had to say. These two woman are so wonderfully passionate about Kiehl's and I absolutely loved their energy and commitment to a brand that they really believe in.

There are specific benefits about their products and Kiehl's as a company that I love, like their Powerful Strength Line Reducing Concentrate (*phew* could that name get any longer) which contains 10.5% vitamin C, or their promotion of their products through samples since the 1970s rather than through advertisements. Rather than simply telling someone a product is great they try to send every customer away with a sample of the product(s) that they had their eye on or that they would recommend based on a consultation or the customers needs. I haven't experienced this with any other store or brand, and to give people an opportunity to actively try the product for a week or more rather than giving them no choice but to buy a full size bottle and risk being disappointed and out of pocket is a pretty wonderful idea that benefits both them and their customers.
Kiehl's also promote natural ingredients and give back to the communities they source their ingredients from as well as supporting many charities and 100 communities around the world. In 2009 they also introduced a recycle and be rewarded scheme which means by returning your empties to your local store you can receive a freebie or two - now that's a way to make your customers and the planet happy!
Overall, it was nice to attend a blogging event I felt comfortable at. The previous one I attended was a meet up and I felt horribly out of place but Hannah and Saff along with the small group made it a nice atmosphere. I didn't speak to many of the other bloggers much, which was a shame, but I still had a good time and got to know a brilliant brand.
Overall, it was nice to attend a blogging event I felt comfortable at. The previous one I attended was a meet up and I felt horribly out of place but Hannah and Saff along with the small group made it a nice atmosphere. I didn't speak to many of the other bloggers much, which was a shame, but I still had a good time and got to know a brilliant brand.
I always appreciate and love reading comments from you lovely lot, so comment away and don't forget to leave your links too! ♥