Oops I did it Again... - MissIsGoode

Oops I did it Again...

By Unknown - 20:47

At the end of April I reflected on taking a bit of an unplanned blogging break and I've managed to do it again throughout May, having only posted my April update and a very belated reflection on my experience at Kiehl's blogging event in Nottingham.

I've become more closed off from social media than I once was. My Instagram isn't updated on a daily basis, barely even a weekly one and I rarely post anything on Facebook. As of late I've been sharing a few throwback posts from years gone by, but that's about it. I've been thinking about closing it all down, including my blog, for some months simply for the peace. I find I get too attached to social media and begin to withdraw from the world around me, which to me is a horrible thought.

However, after all the work I've put into this blog and all the people that have commented or told me in person that it's helped them, I'd hate for it to all disappear or become completely disused. 

So, I'm taking this blog back to basics - I don't like following a schedule with something I view as a hobby and I began to force myself to do so. My day job has enough schedules and deadlines, and as I've just started a new job, I'm a bit tied down with training, spreadsheets and new information coming out of my ears. The last thing I want is my hobby to be a second job. I praise people who manage it as such, but it's not for me. I'm trying to remember why I created this blog, and it was never to be a second income or to be a blogging phenomenon but instead to share life stories, and that's what I'm bringing it back to.

I've had the pleasure of getting to know many people during my years of education, so all their tales will be appearing and reappearing on this here blog. This blog was never meant to be just about me and my life, so I want people's voices to be heard through it, not just my own. 

I hope to bring some more helpful content back, and ensure anyone who wants their voice heard about their university experience, can share it on my blog...so keep your eyes pealed as some lovely blogging interviews will be back very soon...

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  1. Exactly how I felt last month Is, I've brought mine back to basics too and share when I want xx

    1. Gets too much sometimes doesn't it, definitely the best way to go! xx


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