Journey's End | Emma - University of Worcester - MissIsGoode

Journey's End | Emma - University of Worcester

By Unknown - 18:19

Next on my list of interviewees is Emma who studied Psychology at the University of Worcester. I worked with Emma back in Cornwall before she started university and whilst I waited to go into my second year. She kept me entertained during our work hours with her sense of humour and her ability to be straight with people and at times, hilariously blunt. Whilst I only got to know Emma for a short few months, it's great to hear from her and also hear about what made her university years so great.

Have you enjoyed your time at university? 

Do you have any regrets? 
I regret not using the free gym enough.

Is there something that you really wish you had done, but never got the chance to? 
I’d have loved for my course to have a placement, I think that really would have benefited employ-mentality. I also wish I’d done my second year abroad, but I didn’t apply in time.

What was the best night out you had at university? 
Post-varsity night with the swim team! We’re a really close society as it is, but the energy that night was insane! 

How did freshers week feels as a final year? 
I felt old. Really, really old. 

How did your nights out change as university went on? 
I found my drinking limits at the end of second year. I may have ignored them sometimes, but I knew when to stop. First year was painful every morning after. Second year was fun. Third year I became social sec. so I was basically the coolest babysitter in the universe. 

Do you feel you’ve changed over the years? 
Definitely. I’m more confident, independent and much more self-aware.

Has your friendship group changed much? 
It’s become smaller as we’ve all grown into ourselves, and what’s been left is a really tight-knit friendship group. 

What was your biggest achievement? 
The independent research into homelessness and mental health that I did alongside a local home-less service. Because of the research we did, we managed to get more mental health services provided to the service users. 

Do you feel like going to university has been worthwhile? 
Definitely, I loved every minute. 

What are your plans now?
I’m interviewing all over the country for assistant psychology jobs and mental health work, so until something good comes of that I’m going to go home to Cornwall and chill for a bit. Then I plan to do my masters in 2017. 

How do you feel about graduation day? 
I’m excited to get a new dress and new heels. 

What was it like doing a final year project? 
I’ve never felt so unwell in my whole life. What a stressful experience. 

What was the highlight of your university years? 
Joining a sports society and becoming social secretary. It was great to get to know the team on a personal level and have an incredible, drunken year with them all. 

Would you do it all again? 
In a heartbeat!

A snapshot of Emma's friend Adina whilst out enjoying the countryside

How do you feel about leaving Worcester behind? 
I’m going to be super sad to leave Worcester. Even thinking about it makes me cry! I’d like to come back here, but I also miss the ocean. I’m also happy to move somewhere new and make new memories and have new experiences. I’m pretty adaptable!

What’s your plan after graduation? 
I’m going to sleep. My brain needs to regenerate BIG TIME. Other than that, I want to be a char-tered Clinical Psychologist. So I still have 4 years of training left. Not to mention the insane amount of experience I need to gain to even get on the training programme for chartership.

And finally, what advice would you give to students going into their final year? 
Do ALL the formative assignments, the feedback is a god save when it comes to the final write-up. Also, start your dissertation as early as possible and don’t slack on it. Procrastination is not your friend. Work really fucking hard (am I allowed to swear? - I'll let you off on this one).
*All photos are courtesy of Emma

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