Life After Graduation | Hannah - Canterbury Christ Church University - MissIsGoode

Life After Graduation | Hannah - Canterbury Christ Church University

By Unknown - 20:21

It's about time I brought a fellow blogger in on the interview action, so let's kick it off with the lovely Hannah from Suitcase and Sandals who graduated in 2015 with a degree in Religious Studies. 

How does it feel to be a graduate? 
Bittersweet. I miss uni quite often, but love earning my own money! I wish I still had as much spare time as I did at uni, but it’s nice to be able to save for things and travel too. 

What’s been the biggest challenge?
Not knowing what I wanted to do with my life. I’m still not 100% sure. I think it’s quite tough being thrown out there without knowing what you want to do so at the moment I’m enjoying gaining some experience. I’m not sure I’ll ever know exactly what I want to do though!

What’s your current living situation?
I’ve moved back home, and with my boyfriend in tow too! My parents are so flexible and we both have the freedom we would have at university anyway so the only thing I really miss is having some time to myself with Dan!

What’s the best and worst things about graduate life?
Best thing is earning some money, and the worst thing is not being allowed lie-ins, and the lack of spare time. But good things come to those who wait! 

Do you have any plans/goals for the  foreseeable future?
We’re saving for a house and travelling where we can – including a week in New York in October which I’m so excited about. 

Is graduate life as you expected? 
I expected it to be harder to get a job, but maybe I am one of the lucky ones as I signed up with an agency and was offered an interview where I work now which is in a company who have trained me up from scratch which I believe is quite rare. I did expect to miss uni though and that part is definitely true!

If you had the opportunity, would you do university all over again?
Part of me would, part of me wouldn’t. I think I miss my university city the most, but I do miss learning and seeing my friends too! This is such a hard question…. 

What’s your social life been like as a graduate in comparison to what it was like at university? Different. I appreciate my social time more now – seeing friends is more of a treat in a way! I definitely don’t go out (even sober occasions) as much as I did at uni – I guess that comes with being so busy all of the time.

What would you say are the biggest differences between the first year of university life, and the first year of graduate life? 
I’m sober now? I’m just joking. I work full time now compared to having 8 hours of lectures a week which is a huge difference. Looking back I wish I’d made a bit more effort to use that time wisely but you live and you learn.

Do you feel you’ve changed much since you graduated?
Without a shadow of a doubt. I’m so much happier in myself and have realized how resilient I am. I’m more confident in my abilities too I think! Plus, I know how to adult a bit better… 

Have you seen your university friends much since you graduated?
Some of them yes. We mainly see each other for big occasions like their graduation, or our summerball. We’re all so busy so it can be hard to meet up!

What advice would you give to future graduates?
Make the most of your final few weeks of university. Even if you don’t wish to do it again you will miss your university days. Enjoy your first experiences of being a graduate, and don’t put too much pressure on yourself: good things come to those who wait. 

How does it feel to be considered an adult? 
Scary, but exciting. I can’t wait to buy my first home!

Do you feel that going to university was worthwhile?
Absolutely. I may not be directly using my degree, but I loved it. I moved away from home, volunteered, made friends, laughed and cried. But I made it through and I came out a better person. I think the university experience is invaluable and unique to every single person. It is what you make it, and I think my experience of university made it so worthwhile.

And a final comment from Hannah...
Make the most of your graduation day! Mine ranks in my top 10 days of my life I think and it felt so good to be up there celebrating my hard work with my course mates.
*Photos courtesy of Hannah

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  1. Thank you for featuring me Issy! I'm loving reading how others are finding graduate life too, it's so interesting and reassuring to know we're all in the same boat!

    Suitcase and Sandals Blog XX


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