Journey's End | Holly - Edge Hill University - MissIsGoode

Journey's End | Holly - Edge Hill University

By Unknown - 20:05

My next interviewee is the lovely Holly, who blogs over at Holly Quills And Ivy. Holly studied English Literature and Creative Writing at Edge Hill University and is a huge book lover. In this post, she's reflected on her third and final year at University including the highs, regrets and looking to the future. If you'd like to hear more from Holly, check out her blog featuring all things books, beauty and graduate life! 

Have you enjoyed your time at university?
Yes, without a doubt I would say that my three years in university have been the best years of my life. 

Do you have any regrets?
Yes, I didn’t move into a student house for second or third year and now looking back I really wish I had. I decided to move back in with my parents and due to this I missed out on some many chances to go out with my friends which I regret now. 

Is there something that you really wish you had done, but never got the chance to?
Placements or work as a part of my course. There are some courses in my university that did do placements as a part of their course but for English Lit and Creative Writing me and my friends were never given that option/ I really want to work in publishing so I would have loved it if my course or even university gave the opportunity to work in a publishing house, instead I had to go and find one for myself for only a short period of time because I had to be back at University. 

What was the highlight of your university years?
I think it was my Graduation Ball. It was kind of just the culmination of relief that the work was over and I could just have fun with my friends without the stress of thinking I had another assessment due in. It was so nice to see everyone in one room and dressed up, which none of us had ever got to do before with our uni friends. It was such a lovely night because everyone was just so happy and looked incredible. 

How do you feel you’ve changed over the years?
I know this sounds cliché but honestly I feel like I have become a whole different person from going to university. I have grown in confidence and become more sure of myself which I wasn't before I went to uni, I became independent for the first time and I have really come out of my shell. 

Has your friendship group changed much?
Through the three years, not really, it has just grown. Because I'm a joint course student I have two groups of friends. My friends from my English Literature course have stayed the same since day one whereas with my Creative Writing I only really had two close friends in the first year but come second and third I made more friends, who are now my closest friends, including the two friends from first year and I honestly think of these people as my best friends. 

What was your biggest achievement?
I think my biggest achievement personally was still going to university when I was going through a really difficult time in my life. The fact that I kept going to uni and seeing everyone when I just didn’t want to makes me so proud of myself because I could have easily dropped out of uni and cut myself off from everyone, but I pushed myself to keep going, that is definitely my biggest achievement.

Do you feel like going to university has been worthwhile?
Definitely! I had always wanted to go to university and because of it I have had the chance to do so many things and meet so many people that I would never have had the chance to if I never went to university and it has definitely made me so much more sure of what I want to do with my life.

What are your plans now?
I plan to work throughout the summer and try to find myself a job in the publishing industry and if that’s doesn’t work out, I'll find myself work experience opportunities and internship in order to get my experience up so that I can get a job in the industry one day.

How do you feel about graduation day?
I’m honestly not sure. It’s a very daunting day. I’m excited for it as I have spent the past three years working towards this moment but at the same time I never wanted this day to come because then it’s over. All in all I’m excited but terrified.

What was it like doing a final year project?
I didn’t actually do one because I am a joint student so I just did extra modules compared to everyone else, which I am very thankful for because I know I would not have been able to deal with the stress that comes along with doing a final project like so many of my friends did. 

What advice would you give to students going into their final year?
Work as hard as you possibly can, take breaks when you need to, don’t stress too much because trust me it doesn’t help and treasure the time you have left, you will miss it. 

What was the best night out you had at university?
I think it was either between my 21st birthday night out or my Graduation Ball. My 21st because my friends had organised it for me which was the sweetest thing and they said that they wanted to make sure I had a great night and it was so lovely to have all of my friends together celebrating with me. Also my Graduation ball because it was such a perfect way to end it all, dancing with everyone I knew and feeling so proud of everyone, I just had a great time. 

How did freshers week feel as a final year?
I didn’t do Freshers week in my final year because I didn’t live near my university in order to do it. Oh well.

How did your nights out change as university went on?
I guess the change was that in first year everyone was ready to go out almost every night and in the next two years we were very happy to just go out for a couple drinks and then back to a friend’s house where we would talk and play games until about 3am. 

Would you do it all again?
Yes. I would go back in a heartbeat 

What's your living situation now? 
I have been living back at home for the past two years but I would love to move back to my university town. It was so cute and peaceful and whilst it was in the middle of nowhere you could jump on a train if you wanted to go into the city. I would love to go somewhere new, I am hoping to move out soon and hopefully find myself a job in London so I can move there, I have wanted to live in London for years. 

What’s your plan after graduation?
Find myself a job in publishing for however long it takes me, and maybe try and build up my blog maybe even start a YouTube channel…who knows the future is what you make it and I hope to make it good.

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