I truly realised this weekend how much I love being at Keele. And, if anything, how lucky I am. My friend and I went to Manchester this Saturday with the intention of having a night out with three of her friends from Sheffield, this was more than unsuccessful. We were both wilting before we even got on the train, wilting even when we got out of bed. Going to Manchester was the most unappealing thing possible, and I'm impressed we managed it.
I can't say I made the best impression on the three of them; I have been known here at Keele to go out and have a lot of fun, this was not the usual Issy. I could barely manage one drink, leaving the flat of Faye's friend Chloe was a task, but upon arrival we were greeted by two girls who felt just as tired as the three of us did, so a film night was in order.
I can honestly say that, despite still having a good time, I really disliked Manchester. No, I didn't see a lot of it, but the stories Chloe was telling us about the area she lived in at her Manchester Met accommodation made it sound so unappealing. The accommodation of Manchester didn't have very lovely stories either. All Faye and I could think of were the mole hills, cows, fields and Hawthorns - the only place we wanted to be. We made a pact at the train station not to leave Keele again (apart from to go home), unless we ever feel like we can truly manage a night out in Manchester.
Overall, I've had another good week, my homesickness came and went. Once I went for a pub meal with my block and Faye came back from Sheffield, I felt happy again. On Wednesday we went to a 'Pyjama Party' at the SU, only a few wore pyjama's...

Then on Friday we went for the usual fRISKy fortnightly event, that always proves to be a good one.
Work wise, I've got essays and such to get stuck in to, Aphra Behn is challenging me with her poetry (which I despise analysing) and a passage of 'The Fall of the House of Usher' is still also waiting to be analysed. Reading week is hastily approaching and none of us can believe that this is the sixth week and we're half way through already!
We've got two birthdays in the block on Monday and Tuesday, Halloween - watch this space for (hopefully) some brilliant costumes - and then on Saturday evening my boyfriend, Julius, arrives after a long seven weeks apart. Should be another good week, I hope everyone else's is just as enjoyable!
I always appreciate and love reading comments from you lovely lot, so comment away and don't forget to leave your links too! ♥