February - MissIsGoode


By Unknown - 08:51

On the very first day of February a big announcement was dropped at work that really brought the spirit down within my entire department and the whole office in general. I'm keeping it vague here because I don't like discussing work on my blog and social media, but I took some slight changes to my work situation as my opportunity to start looking at jobs within the local universities again. I'd had a browse around before summer but hesitated to apply to a few due to seeing: 'office/admin experience required'. Now, fingers crossed with a bit of office experience and admin under my belt I may feel more confident when applying for these jobs.

On top of getting organised in the career department, I really took to number 95 on my Day Zero Challenge: Schedule posts on Hootsuite at the start of every month. I've recognised the slight floor in this as it's really a schedule at the start of every week sort of task, but I've been really cracking on with it - and have also now amended the goal to fit what is more achievable.

Not only have I been scheduling on a weekly basis but as I've looked through the archives I've begun to schedule posts for months in advance. I've started getting things prepared for when prospective students are getting ready for university in August and for when graduates are starting to reach the end of their time at university in May, I've really been planning ahead. I've also been organising some more interview based posts that will involve more guest content and a mixture of student and graduate experiences. The plans are still coming together but I'm feeling pretty positive about my blog as of late!

This month I also lost my IKEA virginity! People were always shocked to hear that I had never been to IKEA but the nearest one to Cornwall is Bristol, and we never really needed any flatpack furniture that desperately. Having never been to IKEA I'd also never tried the infamous Swedish meatballs, which I can tell you did live up to the hype. I had a good time wondering round IKEA but it definitely gets a bit too busy for my liking. We went there to pick out a new wardrobe due to ours being this fabric and wood contraption meant for a teenage boy, not a 20-something couple! Most of my clothes have been stuffed away in a makeshift cupboard that has been raised on stilts for the past 7 months, but now we have a beautiful new wardrobe and a lot more room!
The woman who served us kind of just chucked everything on my plate - admittedly it's no 5* dining...
We decided to buy the wardrobe online and designed it ourselves - which was a brilliant idea. It arrived the following week and took us over 7 and a half hours to build - yep, you read that right. Including cleaning out our room, moving furniture around, clearing out bits and bobs and putting all the things we took out of the previous storage units and putting them either in the new wardrobe or in the loft, our whole weekend was consumed by this wardrobe. It's lucky that we love it - a post with some photos of our new wardrobe is still to come!

That same weekend we also woke up on the Sunday morning to the delightful news that a mains water pipe had burst in the local area leaving 20,000 people without any water supply. We had the absolute pleasure of not showering after dusting an entire bedroom and clearing it out top to bottom for a further 24 hours. I don't think I've ever felt so grim.

On a positive note, I started doing my pass plus this month! I would have finished it now too if it hadn't been for a change of plans and my driving instructor falling ill on my second week. I'm not a hugely confident driver so I decided to do pass plus to give me the opportunity to get a go on the motorways with guidance and support. As my family and friends all live quite a way away from me, it just gives me a bit of a confidence boost!

Otherwise, February was a pretty quiet month. I've not really had much of a social life over the past month, aside from going to laser quest with some of the guys from work which was great fun. My boyfriend's popped out to the pub a few times to catch up with his friends, but I've just not been that bothered if it's not too lazy and mean to say. I've been caught up in the blogging world and watching 90210, and most nights after work I either want to go to the gym or just chill out for a bit.

Though this month I'll be a little more active outside the house. This weekend I'm going off to my first Nottingham blogger event, provided it's still going ahead the same weekend, and I'm also going home on the 19th which will be the first time in three years that I've actually celebrated my birthday, on my birthday, with my family. Oh and on that note, I'm going to be 22 this month!

Honestly though, how is it March already?!

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  1. Yippee can't wait to see you! Can't believe it's this time of year already though I'll need bday ideas! Sounds like a nice month even if it was a bit quiet, although sod that wardrobe business! Hope work is going okay and you find some jobs that you can apply fur when the times right. You'll be fine at the event! Don't think just go in and get some blog cards before you go! Xxx

    1. Me neither! So excited to come home! I know, seems crazy doesn't it?! Haha well it looks amazing just took bloody hours to build! I don't want to think about taking it apart for when we move. Yeah I'm holding off on the search for a bit as there's some good opportunities for development at work at the moment. Ugh fingers crossed! Ah I wouldn't know what to do if I made business cards!! xxxxx

  2. I always find it a bit painful to look back at a month of my life and think about how I didn't do anything exciting... yet so many months go by when that happens. I guess it's a time to do the little things in life like getting a driving license (which I'm going to have to re-do when I move to the UK later this year.. boooooo)!

    Heba xx || The Heba

    1. I know exactly what you mean but I kind of have to remember that we've got little money and not a lot of time either! But I try to achieve something each month, even if it is as simple as a driving lesson haha! Good luck! xxx

  3. The main positive thing here is being able to celebrate your birthday! It's good to see you didn't miss it.Also Check out the link! https://propaperwritings.com/


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