Gunthorpe Lock, Nottinghamshire - MissIsGoode

Gunthorpe Lock, Nottinghamshire

By Unknown - 09:19

This post isn't 'travel' as such - most travel posts involve going far away from home or going abroad but instead, I thought I'd do a few posts about my local area. 

I suppose this is more of a life post in that case. Though whilst I enjoy living in Nottingham, I don't feel like it's home. As many of you probably know I live with my boyfriend's family, therefore, I don't really feel like I have my own space or a place to escape when the world or work gets a bit heavy. So, really, the countryside that surrounds this area is my getaway, which I suppose is also why I consider it an exploration of sorts.

Last summer before my boyfriend and I started in full time employment and finally gave over our lives to the working world, we made the most of the sunshine. Michael got a chance, after passing his driving test, to show me around his local area. We had several trips to Gunthorpe Lock, strolling along next to the River Trent with cows and chickens surrounding us. It was a beautiful day, though I felt a little uneasy as we strolled up and down the field and the cows followed our every move. Nonetheless, it was a lovely walk.

Since summer, we haven't really had much of a chance, or a desire, to wonder around the local area but I plan to keep sharing some of the mini adventures I should have shared last year. We don't intend to live in Nottingham for too much longer so I'd love to document my time here while it lasts!

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  1. Replies
    1. Thank you - I'm just wishing it was summer again here! Or wish I was in Aus like you, that'd be nice too aha!


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