Freshers' End | Laura - Bangor University - MissIsGoode

Freshers' End | Laura - Bangor University

By Unknown - 12:06

It's been a while since I posted a lovely interview with one of my ex freshers', so this week I'd like you to meet Laura from The Scrimpy Student.

Laura is 19 originally from Alsager, studying Geography Bsc at Bangor University.

What's the best thing about your uni?
Its location, as a geographer everything you need is right on your doorstep.

What's the worst?
The weather - typical Wales - it seems like its always raining!

Have you enjoyed your first year?
I've loved it! I wouldn't change if for the world.

What's your course like?
We get to explore Snowdonia a lot and spend a lot of time at the university research farm.

What's the best memory you've had of your first year?
GeogSoc Summer ball was amazing, it was really nice to have everyone together, plus we got to dress up all fancy.

How would you describe your freshers week?
I'd love to say I don't remember because I was drunk all the time, but I wasn't. I didn't really throw myself into the activites as much as I should have done.

What's the best and worst things about living on campus?
Well Bangor isn't actually a campus uni, but I lived in the main halls site. The best thing about it is that all your friends are no more than two minutes away, but the worst is the fact that in the rain, even two minutes is a long walk.

Has university disappointed you or would you say it met/exceeded your expectations?
It's been everything I expected and a heck of a lot more!

What's your best money saving tip?
Shop in Aldi for your fruit and veg - at 39p your can't really go wrong with it.

What's your best way to de-stress?
A movie night with my friends, usually something like Mamma Mia or Love Actually.

What advice would you give to prospective freshers?
Get involved in everything! Just throw yourself into it and enjoy.

Just for fun:

What drinking game would you recommend?
Never have I ever is great for getting to know people, after that you can't beat Ring of Fire.

Any embarrassing moments?
Drunkenly discussing my bra with one of my lecturers wasn't my finest of moments.

What's your best hangover cure?
Sleep. Just sleep through it.

Anything else you want to add?
For those people who are worried and stressed out about going to uni just remember everyone else is as well (I know everyone says that but it's true!) you're all in the same boat, just smile and offer someone a brew. 

If you'd like to know anything more about Laura or Bangor university, head on over to her blog - The Scrimpy Student!

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