Bedridden by Choice - MissIsGoode

Bedridden by Choice

By Unknown - 11:14

So, I'm back in my second home - after a brief weekend at my third home (Matt's parents house) and I'm trying my hardest to keep myself busy. I've started on my set reading for next years' modules and have also accomplished the viewing of series 5 of F.R.I.E.N.D.S, fortunately for me, Matt has the whole box set - so food and F.R.I.E.N.D.S may eventually cause me to become obese. 

A few weeks ago I tweeted saying that I didn't understand how people go through Summer without working; I can now answer that question...poverty stricken - hyperbole? Of course not. I lie, it hasn't been that bad for little old me yet, but the big decision to come up here a significant 2 months ahead of our official term date seemed like a fantastic idea at the time...ah doesn't love just muddle up your sensible decision making? 

I'm now deemed as unemployed for the rest of the summer - although I'm on the job hunt daily...in between episodes of F.R.I.E.N.D.S and Family Guy. I've revitalised my CV and trawled the internet for possible employment, so at least my summer is partially productive...right?   

And here's me being super productive by making friends with a horse on our walk into Newcastle:


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  1. Oh dear! Don't starve! I shall send food parcels.....lol x

    1. Oh don't you worry I'm still cooking up scrumptious meals! Even with little money I shall not skimp on my food! Food parcels are appreciated anyway :P x

  2. It can be so frustrating looking for a job, but I have full faith that you'll find something eventually lovely, it's just a bit of hard work and knowing where to look! Anyway, just wanted to say that I really love your hair, you're so pretty! Following you on bloglovin, can't wait to read more!


    1. I'm thinking of just waiting until uni starts and becoming a student ambassador, means I can enjoy summer!

      Thank you lovely!


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