Life | A to Z Challenge | H

By Unknown - 13:07

H is for Hannah

Hannah is my amazing big sister. We haven't always had a tight knit relationship, with her once being a stubborn stroppy teenager, and me  attempting to be a mini version of her...and failing. Hannah at the age of 16 - 17 had this whole Emo thing going on (to those who know her now, I'm sure you can't imagine that at all!), and me being 5 years younger, looked up to her and copied her style. This annoyed her quite a lot.
The power of three: my brother bill, my sister and I on Hannah's wedding day last August.

Our relationship improved a lot as I grew into my own person and grew up. When she began dating her now brilliant husband Jay, we began to grow a lot closer. I remember the day she told me she was pregnant with my now 5 year old niece, I walked into the room we shared together and she said 'You're going to be an aunt' I was only 13 at the time and was just a tad flabbergasted.

And two years ago she had my beautiful little nephew. She is an amazing mum, and she absolutely loves being one. She's a very generous, kind and thoughtful person. She's had a few ups and downs in her life, but has always over come them and it has made her a stronger person. She has a short temper and like most females in our family, they're very lovely and sweet, but you wouldn't want to cross them. I really look up to my big sister and I don't think she knows quite how much!

I'm very lucky to have such an amazing big sister.

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  1. Awww that's really sweet! I just have an older brother, so I never had the opportunity to have a big sister. Lovely story!

    Steph xx

    1. Thank you! Yeah brothers tend to go one of two ways: protective or a pain the ass!

      Thanks for stopping by!
      Issy xx

  2. Really sweet post.

    Blogging A to Z Challenge

  3. I love personal posts! And you look stunning in red :)

    1. Thanks for reading! Thank you, even with red hair I still can't resist wearing red!

  4. Cute photos.
    Sweet to hear of such dear family ties.
    Stopping by from the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge FB page.

    1. Thank you!
      I'll swing by your A to Z! (:

  5. That's sweet. I have a lil bro who's younger to me by 10 years... and who do irritate me to the core at times. But whatever at the end, siblings do make life beautiful :) And pic looks beautiful.

    _ A fellow blogger from A to Z!

    1. Yeah siblings can be a pain in the ass but still lovely to have them! Thanks for stopping by!

  6. I love this post. I too grew closer to my sister with age and especially when we both were married and had families. Love the photos, her children are so cute. Lucy from Lucy's Reality

    1. I think you're always bound to squabble when you're both younger! I imagine when I have children in years to come we'll be even closer with more in common! Thank you!

  7. Very sweet. I'll be writing about my sister for my "m" post. hooray for sisters!

    1. Thank you! Woo sisters! They help us through the a to z challenge!

  8. I love you and will always be there for you. That is all :-) xxxxx

    1. I love you too big sis! Visa versa :) xxxxx


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