What to Pack for University - MissIsGoode

What to Pack for University

By Unknown - 13:17

It's nearing the time for halls to be refilled with freshers' ready for a drink, and perhaps some of you are already packed and raring to go. However, if you haven't managed to get the packing started I thought I'd give you a breakdown, or a list to double check with (for those organised people!), of all the things that you'll need for university. 

Be prepared, it's lengthy. 

The first thing to do is check out what your university provides, usually, it's not a lot.

This list is a round up of everything I personally took to university with me, some students may take less and some, more. Simply remember the essentials, and anything you forget, your parents can forward on to you or you can go out and buy. Save all that panic for exam time. 

The important documents/cards
- Passport and/or driving license - ID is obviously a must have 
- NHS medical card
- Confirmation letters of scholarship/bursary if applicable
- Documents regarding accommodation and Student Finance
- Bank details
- Rail and/or coach card
- CV and references
- Relevant exam certificates/results slips
- All cards in your purse/wallet

Most universities actually provide you with a duvet and a pillow, but to be honest, they're usually crap. So I'd advise you bring your own, higher tog, better quality duvet. Whilst you may not be sleeping a lot in the first week, at least when you do you'll be comfy!
- Sheets - the amount you bring is your decision but 2 are usually enough if you keep on top of your washing!
- Duvet & pillows - as said above, it's best to bring your own.
- 2 duvet covers and 4 pillow cases
- If you're moving up north or you tend to feel the cold, definitely pack a blanket.

Other bedroom luxuries 
- Alarm clock - most people usually use their phones but an extra alarm is always handy
- A desk lamp 
- Hot water bottle
- Wash basket/bag
- Drying rack
- Something to wedge your door open so you seem like the go to guy/gal for a chinwag

Clothing & footwear
It's totally up to you what you bring clothing wise, some bring their entire wardrobe, other's leave things behind. Bring your usual casual clothes, some comfy lazy day clothing and some good outfits for nights out.
It's also great to bring some stuff for fancy dress too as there are often events not only during freshers week but throughout the year that need a good costume.
Don't forget pj's, sports clothes - so you can pretend amidst the hangovers that you'll pump some iron - and winter items such as a big coat, hat, scarf and gloves. 
If you're from the south and moving up north it's a great idea to invest in some decent shoes with good grip, as the winter weather may well get you on your arse. Bring shoes that you'd wear day to day and girls, in particular, a few fancy pairs for nights out. 

Bathroom/personal items
- Glasses/contacts & solution
- Make up & make up remover
- Hairbrush, comb
- Moisturisers 
- Contraceptives
- Skincare and hair products
- Hair removal products/razors
- Any personal 'lady' items

Things to make you feel studious
But also that you'll genuinely need at some point. Most of this is available at your university shop, but it's good to be prepared. 
- Pins (as most halls come with a noteboard)
- Notebooks
- Pens, pencils, highlighters        
- Ruler                                           
- Eraser
- Sharpener
- Tipex
- White/Blu Tack
- Scissors
- Sellotape
- Stapler & staples
- Hole punch
- Post-it notes
- Ring binders
- Envelopes
- Stamps
- Calculator - if you're not a maths/science student, your phone will be enough
- Any relevant books for your course

The stuff you can't live without
We do love our electronics after all.
- Laptop, charger, ethernet cable (these are no longer needed at Keele but other uni's may not be in the 21st Century yet), mouse and laptop case/bag
- USB pen(s)
- Printer & ink if you're choosing to bring one - though if you live on campus it's so much simpler (and cheaper) to rely on the library printers - but of campus it's exceedingly handy to have one I've found
- Mobile phone and charger
- Headphones/earphones & speakers/docking station
- Digital camera, charger or batteries, SD card
- Ipod/MP3 & charger
- Extension leads
- DVD's & games - for the boring times
- Video consoles
- TV - though if you do decide to bring a TV, remember that you'll have to get a TV license, which for most, ends up being a waste of money
- And if you feel like being the opposite of a student, treat yourself to an iron and an ironing board

First aid that your mum will probably sneak in
These will seriously come in handy during freshers' week
- Painkillers
- Cold/flu remedies
- Throat lozenges 
- Plasters
- Any prescription medication

Kitchen utensils
If you don't think you'll ever use it, don't buy it, but in most cases you'll be pleasantly surprised. Often you'll find that if you didn't bring it along, someone will have, especially if you're moving into Keele's Hawthorns, with 30 people there at least one person will have a veg peeler! And we found that people we're happy to share whatever they brought along, provided you wash it up afterwards of course.
- Casserole dish
- Large frying pan/wok - whilst some people will bring both a large and a small, just using a large pan/wok for all frying pan handy meals is enough
- Large & small saucepan
- Baking tray
- Tin opener
- Bottle opener & corkscrew - though if you forget this, I can guarantee someone will have one
- Vegetable peeler
- Cheese grater
- Wooden spoons
- Spatula
- Masher
- Mixing bowl
- Microwavable bowl
- Whisk - if you think you'll use it
- Measuring jug
- Sieve 
- Colander
- Pizza cutter 
- Knives and a chopping board
- Scissors
- Tea towels
- Tupperware

Because eating out a pan isn't always that pleasant buy yourself some crockery. If you're living in large shared halls and you're not content to share - especially if they don't wash up - buy crockery and cutlery that's quite unique so it doesn't get mixed up with someone else's. Don't forget to bring cups and glasses! Pint glasses, tumblers and shot glasses are always useful when a large group of you are set for pre-drinks.

For those who like to be vain, bring a full length mirror. In Keele they're usually situated around your block anyway, but it's nicer to bring up your own large mirror so you can look at yourself naked so you can check yourself out in private.

It's always nice to bring things that remind you of home, so - even if they say not to decorate your walls - bring photos and posters. If you get homesick, small touches around your room will make a big difference. 

As I said before, this list will differ slightly for everyone. I'll be following this post up with 'First Shop Suggestions' - a brief guide on what to buy for your first shop.

I hope this helps with your packing! 

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  1. This has helped me with a few bits I have forgotten, my room is full of boxes! Thanks Issy xxx

    1. Glad to be of help Paige! Follow my 'Advice for Freshers' link at the top for more tips :) You'll be sad to see it empty on moving day! No problem lovely :) xxx

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