Volunteering With VESL - MissIsGoode

Volunteering With VESL

By Unknown - 18:49

If you follow me on Twitter you will have heard by now that I applied to volunteer with VESL and following on from a trip down to London last weekend, I received the information about where I was going to be volunteering. I'm overwhelmed with excitement and it hasn't really hit me yet that next summer I'll be going on a plane - for the first time ever - to set off for Thailand.

I got asked all sorts of questions during my interview, the first being why VESL?
If you haven't heard of VESL before, you need to! They're a fantastic registered UK charity and are not run for profit. They do amazing work in Thailand, Sri Lanka and India, running projects from 4 weeks to 12 months in which volunteers are placed in rural schools to help teach English or work as language assistants. The thing I love about VESL is that they,

'ensure maximum benefits are brought to local communities while making every effort to ensure volunteers have an unforgettable experience.' - vesl.org

This means volunteers, like myself, won't be taking the place of anyone in the community such as the teachers that already work in the schools. VESL are all about helping to educate children that are the future, without English skills they aren't as likely to get into university, get jobs in governmental roles or in the ever growing travel industry. 

I can't wait to arrive and get placed with my host family, experience the Thai culture (as long as I don't have to consume too many bugs) and have an amazing experience helping children learn English. My friend Fia has just returned from her volunteering out in Thailand and has had an amazing time, I've heard about her spending hours on end singing and doing the cha cha slide for the children, and whilst it sounds tiring, it also sounds like so much fun.

But, before I can get to Thailand, I need your help!

I need to raise £740 before I can head off to Thailand! This money goes towards keeping me safe, supplying the host with enough money for my keep during the 6 weeks, supporting me whilst I'm out in Thailand with the help of representatives and all remaining money goes towards projects that benefit the schools VESL works with.

I'm going to be putting my utmost effort into fundraising my project, so keep up with blog updates right here. All donations are so appreciated by both myself and VESL, so to donate - no matter how big or small - please click on my JustGiving link below or on my sidebar!
If you'd like to know anything more about VESL click here!
As I don't know the internet availability I'll have whilst out in Thailand, I can't promise I'll keep you updated whilst I'm out there, but I plan to keep a journal that I'll write up and gradually post as soon as I return home! I'll also be taking hundreds or pictures and videos which I'll definitely be sharing with you all.

Thank you for reading and don't forget to keep popping by to see how my fundraising's going. And if you've made a donation already, thank you so much!

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  1. Well done lovely, that's such a lovely project to be working on. I wish that I made time for volunteering before university, or even after. Alas, now with a mortgage to pay I cannot make that kind of commitment!

    Thinking about the time and energy you'll put into volunteering, will you continue with blogging once your out there?

    Lots of love

    Nahid Aley at www.thethingsiloveblog.com

    1. Thank you! I'm doing it in between my second and third year, so it's gonna be tough!

      I really hope to if I have a decent internet connection, it'd be great to keep everyone updated! If not, I'll be keeping a journal that I'll write up and gradually post when I return :)


  2. This sounds like such a wonderful project! A few of my friends from uni have been involved in similar ones and all said they'd do it again!
    Good luck with your trip to Thailand & hope that you manage to raise enough money to go :)


    1. Thank you! My friend's recently got back and loved it. It's gonna be a challenge, lots of standing round in the street asking for pennies aha.

      :) x

  3. my friend did 6 months of voluneering out in Thailand and loved it - I don't think she wanted to come back! ahaha!

    Good luck with it all!

    Grace x


    1. My cousins out there for a year and is loving it. My friend who's just returned wants to go back next year! It's clearly a good experience :)

      Thank you :)



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