April 2014 - MissIsGoode

A May of Daily Productivity

By Unknown - 19:58
Happy end of April! I hope everyone has had a fabulous Easter, personally as wonderful as it has been, this month long holiday has dragged on a bit and I can't wait to get back to uni for the month of May, to get back into the gym and to hand in my final essays of my second year!  During this holiday I've...

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Life | J is for JustGiving

By Unknown - 12:34
Following with my theme, and also struggling to think of another J, I thought I'd talk a little bit about the site that has helped me most with my fundraising. source JustGiving is a site I've used for every fundraising activity I've done. With social media so prevalent in this day and age I find it really useful to let my friends, family...

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I is for Inspiration

By Unknown - 22:20
If there's something I don't talk about enough on my blog it's who or what inspired me to do the things I do in my life, whether it be blogging or university, and I thought it was about time to. source Who inspired me to start blogging? My sister had been blogging for quite a little while before I started and she kept...

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H is for Home

By Unknown - 16:02
Ahh home is where the heart is. I love being back in my little village but this time round it's made me realise how much things are going to change over the next year. Ever since I left for university coming home has been lovely, and have no fear it still is very much so, but I've always made that slip in front...

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Life | G is for Game of Thrones

By Unknown - 17:12
Well, how could it not be? So Game of Thrones is back on our screens now and aren't we all breathing a sigh of relief? I watched Game of Thrones in a big block rather then back when it was first aired, and I'm glad I did, because the wait didn't seem quite so painful for me as it did for so many...

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Life | F is for Fundraising

By Unknown - 20:11
Well hello again, I'm slowly catching up on this...! I've said before that my A to Z challenge focus is all about being at home and my progress towards fundraising and learning about Thailand in the months before I go away. So I have to apologise now if I ramble on a lot, but I'll be trying my best to keep things fresh...

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Life | E is for Essays

By Unknown - 22:13
Funnily enough my last A to Z Challenge 'E' post was also essays...because when are holidays ever truly holidays? This time round I have three 2,500-3,000 word essays to write, so nothing much really! Two of the topics I have to come up with myself, which I always hate before starting but prefer to a question given to us when I make it...

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D is for Dissertation

By Unknown - 12:28
So lately this word has been looming over me. People in seminars have been talking about what they're going to be doing, or asking lecturers to be their dissertation tutors and I've just been sat in silence, with inner screams going on in my mind. source So I took to the internet for some inspiration, and found some really hilarious and weird dissertation...

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C is for Culture: Thailand Update

By Unknown - 20:56
On Wednesday I briefly posted about a day spent training for my volunteering in Thailand. Along with being given ideas for lesson plans, information on insurance and health and safety guidelines, we also got told a bit more about the Thai culture we'll be experiencing. There was a few things that I was quite surprised about: Firstly, you shouldn't throw away rice -...

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Life | B is for Bargain - A Dress for the Ball

By Unknown - 18:44
I've been searching around for a few months now for a perfect dress for our 'Midsummer Nights Dream' themed humanities ball and finally I think I've found something! Many of the dresses I looked at were so bloomin' expensive that my dwindling budget just couldn't be stretched, and whilst I wanted to spurlge a bit on something pretty, I just had to keep...

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A is for Ahhh: Thailand Update

By Unknown - 18:27
I've cheated a bit for this one, because ahh is simply the relaxed noise (rather than the scared one) that I'm making after a long training session with VESL. Thailand's fast approaching and I've obviously never been a teacher before, so I honestly need all the training I can get! The day started pretty early with my boyfriend waking me up for the...

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Life | A to Z Challenge 2014

By Unknown - 19:50
As you may have noticed I didn't manage to complete my 30 Day Writing Challenge due to a spell of busy days and a long birthday weekend, but I almost made it. Following on from the slightly unsuccessful challenge during March, I thought I'd try my hand at the A to Z challenge throughout the whole of April that I joined up with,...

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